Ten Steps to GMAT Awesomeness

Below you'll see a rough study plan that you can adapt to suit your needs. Don't just go through all of the stages mechanically, certainly not until you've finished this course. You'll study much more efficiently and effectively once you've read the tips in later sections.

This section is adapted from a blog post of mine; for the full text, with some additional PowerPoints and webinars in collaboration with Hult International Business School, click here.

1. Introduction

in which you become familiar with the format of the test


First, read the beginning (pages 3-9) of the 2019 Official Guide*, primarily the Myth vs Fact sections. Then read the introductory pages to each of the five main sections.

Second, create an account at mba.com (where you'll ultimately book your real test) so that you can access the official practice software.

*You should have the Official Guide by now. If you haven't got it, buy it here.

2. Have a go

in which you try a few questions to see what you’re up against


Try some of the questions on the official practice software.

Tip: Use the More Options button to choose between Easy, Medium and Hard questions. I recommend starting with two or three of the Easy ones in each section, just to get a feel for the test.

3. Groundwork

in which you tackle any major weaknesses in Maths and English


If you’re weak at Maths, you should do one of the following:

  • hire a tutor (expensive but efficient)
  • get a textbook (cheap but slower ~ there's a good textbook here though)
  • work through my BBC Bitesize KS3 course with notes, videos and email support (free, efficient and, all modesty aside, probably your best option)

If you struggle with the Verbal section, you may want to get the Manhattan Sentence Correction book, but I have free resources in development if you can hold on for a little while.

If you're not sure where to start, feel free to ask me.

4. Diagnostic

in which you do a non-official test to get some idea of your level


This stage is optional, but many people like to have a baseline score. If you're going to invest in all six official practice tests, you might as well as do the first one now. (You can reset them all and do them a second time, so in effect you have 12 tests.) Or if you find a non-official test that looks decent, perhaps the one from Veritas, you could give that a go.

Many first-timers get half way through the test before realising their time is nearly up. For best results, try to make sure you finish, and don’t worry about skipping harder questions. You want to give yourself the best chance of answering the questions you’re capable of answering.

5. The OG

in which you take on the Official Guide


Do the first few (20-30) questions in each of the five main sections one page (or one double page) at a time.

Better still, follow one of my online self-study packages (in development ~ ask if you're interested in being a guinea pig!) which guide you through the different sections of the Official Guide, from the easiest questions right through to the hardest. You'll get theory with worked examples, practice drills, cheatsheets with facts and formulae, strategy summaries, and all the hints, tips and tricks you could ever need.

Always review what you’ve done carefully. Outline your strengths and areas for development. This review will help you fine-tune the next part of your study plan.

6. Your first practice test

in which, surprisingly, you do a practice test


This test is your first dress rehearsal. You should do one of the practice tests from the official practice software and take it seriously. You may not get a great score, but this is your chance to show that you know the basics and can answer easier questions under test conditions.

An official practice test should also give you an accurate understanding of your current level as well as highlighting areas for improvement, and if you’ve prepared conscientiously so far, it should also provide a confidence boost. At this point, you should be able to come up with a realistic estimate of how long it will take you to reach your target score.

7. Analysis

in which you go over your practice test thoroughly and plan your next steps


Start with the easiest questions, the ones you feel you should have been able to get right. What went wrong? What kinds of mistakes did you make, and what were the causes? Think about ways to avoid those mistakes. If you’re stuck, ask. I spend a lot of my time working with my students on exactly this point.

Next, think about timing. Is there anything that you think you could do faster with enough practice (and without compromising your accuracy)?

Would you benefit from a deeper understanding of any concepts? Do something about it (see the next section).

Make sure that you’ve done sufficient work that your next test can be expected to show a significant improvement ~ in individual areas if not in the overall score.

8. Step up

in which you take on some harder OG questions


If you've only worked through my Basic self-study packages, move on to the Moderate ones. If you've done Basic and Moderate, move on to Challenging and even Advanced if you think you're ready.

Review the questions you do. Look for patterns among your weaknesses. Explore ways to address those weaknesses. Execute. See how far you've come.

9. The cycle

in which you consistently identify areas for improvement and then focus on them


Review the questions that you’ve done, both Quant and Verbal. Try to identify anything that might stop you getting 50th percentile or higher in each section or 600+ overall.

Consider any discrete skills that might help you, such as speed reading or mind mapping in Reading Comprehension. Do number drills regularly.

Think through all of the different strategies you’ve amassed up till now. Which ones work best for you? Are there any you don't fully understand?

Make flashcards. Play games with them. Have fun.

PLAN what you need to do to improve based on the suggestions above

DO what you planned to do; DO another practice test (and possibly some more OG questions)

REVIEW your test (and any recent OG questions)

10. Plan ~ Do ~ Review

in which you consistently make small gains until you reach your desired level


Rinse and repeat.

As you get towards test day, you should be in the following cycle:

  • Plan the improvements you need/want to make
  • Do something about them
  • Do another practice test
  • Review what you've done

And keep improving.

Remember that you can reset the official practice tests. You can also buy more; and if you like the Manhattan test you did, you can buy more of them too.

Finish the OG if you haven’t already. Consider buying extra online questions. But always bear in mind that, as in life, quality is better than quantity.

And finally...

GMAT progress is rarely linear. Sometimes you make a breakthrough. Sometimes you plateau, or get stuck in a rut, or even go backwards. If that happens, STOP. Take a break. Ask for help or feedback. Remind yourself of the progress you've made.

And when you're looking forward to meeting your old friend GMAT again, go for it and enjoy it. Getting a decent score is beyond many people. Getting an outstanding score takes different forms of intelligence as well as dedication, organisation and sometimes sheer guts. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you've read this far, you're probably taking this course more seriously than most, and that says a lot about your commitment. Keep it up. You're well on the way to GMAT awesomeness.

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